There are several ways you can add someone to your Greenlist.
First, when you onboard an imp account, it will import all your contacts. Select “Greenlist automatically” to have all your known contacts automatically added to your Greenlist. Tapping “Greenlist Manually” will import all your contacts to the Greylist. Once onboarded, you can go to the “Lists” tab, and select a list. Tap a contact to change their list assignment.
Secondly, on the same “Lists” page, you can tap “Greenlist Rules” to change your Greenlist Settings.
Tap “Add all calls dialed from {your imp name}.” With this enabled, any time you place an outbound call from your landline phone, imp will automatically add that number to your Greenlist.
Uncheck it to disable this setting.
Third, any time you get an unknown call, you can view the call information from the home page (that’s the button with the imp on it in the app at the center bottom of the page).
Tap on the call log notification in the app and you can change the list assignment.
Lastly, adding a contact to your cell phone contact list will automatically update the imp box as well. It can take a few minutes for the imp to fully sync.
If you have “Add all contacts automatically” enabled on the “Greenlist Rules” page, it will automatically assign this new contact to the Greenlist.
If it is not enabled, it will add it to the Greylist.