Three things:
- imp has an “Allow All Calls” feature, that will let everyone ring through to your home phone. This is great for when you know the delivery person will be calling soon.
- If an unknown caller calls, imp will take a message, and deliver that message to you right quick. This lets two things happen. First, you don’t have to be at home to find out that someone called. With imp, when someone calls you and leaves a message, that message will track you down. I found out my plumber called home while I was hiking in the mountains, and was able to call him back immediately. Second, it just takes a finger swipe to add a caller to the Greenlist, or to relegate them to the trash bin of the Redlist. So you can manage and improve the list of people who can reach you.
- Finally, imp has an “urgent caller” feature. For example, if someone calls back twice in three minutes, imp will let them ring through to your home phone. You can customize both the number of calls and the time period.