To check or change answering machine settings:
- Open the imp app and tap “Devices” at the bottom of the screen.
- On the “Devices” page, tap “Answering Machine.”
On this page, you can decide if you want imp to take messages for only Greylist callers by tapping “Screening Mode.” You know it is enabled when the button is black with white writing.
This is the default setting when you onboard your imp. In screening mode, Greenlist messages will be left where they were prior to installing the imp box, presumably your landline answering machine or network answering machine.
You can instead press “Answering Machine” to have your imp box take messages from Greylist and Greenlist callers. You know it is enabled when the button is black with white writing.
In “Answering Machine” mode, imp will take the messages for Greylist and Greenlist callers and pass them along to the imp app. This means you can get all your landline messages anywhere you have a connection.
Under no circumstances does imp take messages from Redlist callers.
Also on the Answering Machine page, you hear your current imp voicemail greeting and record a custom greeting if you like.
Tap the triangular play button under the words “Current Greeting” to hear your current greeting.
To change your voicemail greeting:
- Tap “Record New Greeting.”
- On the pop-up, when you are ready to begin your message, tap “Record” and begin speaking.
- Once you are satisfied, tap “stop” (which will appear after you hit record).
- Hit the triangular play button to review your greeting.
- If you are happy with your greeting, hit “Save.”
- Please note, this may take a few minutes to update from the imp app to your imp box.